科研費の成果を社会還元・普及する事業(日本学術振興会主催 平成26年度「ひらめき★ときめきサイエンス」事業)に採択され、光の絵を描くライトアートのしくみを学んだり、光の色ができるしくみも学ぶ公開講座を企画し、2014年8月9日に会津大学短期大学部体育館で開催した。
- 光の性質を学ぶ基礎造形教育-
Teaching Material Development of "Light Streak" as Painting Tool of Light
- Basic Design Education for Studying the Character of Light -
Abstract: The technique to composite a ray as molding expression is called a "penlight art" in many cases, and has some examples for several decades. It is classic technique, but there is universal charm in a marvel to show a non-daily image just to coordinate the exposure of the camera. Digital cameras advanced, and the photography became very easy recently. But, this research developed the penlight art which tends to become mere scribble picture. Also based on the present government guidelines for teaching, it developed as teaching materials which furthermore, can study the character of lights, such as additive color mixing. The teaching materials developed by this research are named the "light streak" for convenience. The basic structure of a "light streak" puts nine LED lights. Red, green, and blue arrange every three each, and the light of LED is devised so that it may be spread. Although it is a simple structure, various color specification is made in the combination of a key color. For example, if red LED and green LED are turned on and brandished as shown in the figure, the portion, as for, light carried out mixed colors will become bright yellow. By treating a "light streak" free by oneself, the student can respond to character or expression of various lights just like the paints. I think students could be sensuously conscious of basic design.
【2013アジア基礎造形連合学会天津大会】於:中国 天津美術学院
Concept of Suitable Gear Design and Trial to Regional Activation -Fukushima revival activity with character by way of example-
Abstract: Suitable Gear Design is new concept that the author would like to propose to affect the regional activation by the design, and to talk about this conveniently. Although the author is engaged in the design educational research in connection with the area, catching with a new concept has been continued practically. This time, the author considered the example Fukushima Prefecture which makes a character a core and tackles revival. As a result, the independent gear is not established, and it is thought that plural gear interdependent and established synthetically.
Key Word: suitable gear design, regional activation, character
【日本デザイン学会第59回研究発表大会 ☆グッドプレゼンテーション受賞】
trial of the cooperation of senior high school and college, aiming at the local brand design
Abstract: In late years "cooperation of high school and university" is flourishing performed nationwide in each place, but mostly there are many cases that a university teacher lectures against a high school student. However, I think that the figure that a university teacher undertakes what a senior high school teacher should teach originally is not good. In addition, the spot lecture that ignored the step-by-step course of study has a problem. Therefore, I investigated possibility that the both sides of a college and a senior high school have cooperation of the equality in give-and-take. This study is tried as "cooperation of high school and college", assumed the design of the local brand an axis.
Key Word: cooperation of high school and college, local brand, design education
Computer Graphics education of a secondary education course and design education in the future -Consideration based on the survey in Fukushima-
Abstract: The information technology that they called CG and DTP was the technology that design work of the present age cannot miss, but in late years the opportunities when a student learned CG and DTP of even a normal junior high school and senior high school increased. As for the reason, "information of education" has the millennium project that the government promotes. In addition, the reason is because classes to handle information education increased. I did this study for all junior high schools and a senior high school in Fukushima, and investigated the actual situation of CG education. On the basis of the result, I tried to consider design education in the future.
Key Word: design education, computer graphics, information of education
文字の濃淡によるカラー画像表現の研究「Font MIX」(2008.)